~Bringing Humanity Home~ ~Energy and Event Update~ Just Jump~
~Arriving at the Breaking Point~ Multi~Dimensionally~
WOW~~~ That would be the best choice of words we could offer at this time. As we shared in yesterday's Press release, the separation between the world of illusion and the Living Planet has begun. WE will now part ways in energy, as Love moves forward to bring about the needed changes for Humanity's Homecoming into the Light.
With that being said.... WE Have reached a Breaking Point!
Currently, those that are maintaining the Highest Frequencies of Light on the Planet have been targeted by the Lower energies. The reason this has occurred, is that the lower energies come to the highest energies, so they can be transformed, this must occur for the Planet to move forward.
~The Mass Dissolving has begun~
For those that are in the midst of releasing the old energies to gain access to these Higher Energies of Joy, this breaking point for you, will appear as a breakdown to break through. Surrender is the key. In order for Love to come into your Life, the old must go. The Breakdown is actually the old programming that is coming to the surface, that must be released from the being. As the breakdown occurs the higher energies activate to enter the space.. Break through!!!
Not only are we smack in the middle of all these energies, those that are not grounded are feeling the heat. Everything that is not real on this Planet Must GO and all lower energies transformed, as we move ever closer to the Galactic Center.
The illusion will now be stripped from everyone's lives in one event or another, understand that we are in an alignment process to what is real and true. It was Neale Donald Walsh that said, "When you think your life is falling apart, its really falling together." This will be true for many during this transition.
WE have Intended a Smooth transition for all of this to occur. There are 2 choices here for Humanity. They can cling to the old that is falling apart, and through this experience every moment will feel like chaos, or LET GO, embrace Love and The Present Moment of NOW and experience Joy. When you do this, you Jump, right into Love's Arms and follow each synchronistic event that each moment brings you. All Humanity has to accomplish now is Jumping. JUST JUMP! Trust Love, and Love will carry you through.
Mother Gaia
