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The Atoms that make Up this Realm are just Vibrational Frequencies, of Pure Consciousness Energy

Now, There is More to this OH! My! God! Understanding. When you are in the Present Moment of Now, you Experience, Feelings of Utter Joy! For Love Only Exists in the Present of NOW, Love is all There Is, so this is your only experience ! These Feelings of Love and Joy Energy are actually Creational Energy of Atoms, that when "charged" with These Feelings [High Vibrational Thoughts=LOVE], the Energy is sent into Creation, To Recreate in Grander and Grander Ways, through the Continually Raising Vibrational Frequencies. This is the Understanding of Creation in its finest Understanding of exactly How Creation Functions, as an Organism, which is ALIVE, within you and all Around You, This is Love Everywhere Present.

In Truth you are Creation, this is Who You are. All Joy, Light, and Love are the Highest Possible Frequencies of the Atoms, and because of this Move at High Velocity Light, Gathering together, Moving Upwards, to Higher and Higher Frequencies of the energy or the feelings of Love Everywhere Present, Grander and Grander!

Mother Gaia

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