Who are these Eyes awake and aware?
"Who are these eyes awake and aware..eyes looking within and discovering all is there...eyes of Heart wide open to hear and to feel..The Grand Awakening is in progress, are all awake enough to feel? Aware enough to hear?..The new energies are guiding each step with Love and compassion as the Heart walks forward to the Land of the FREE, a new age, The Age of Aquarius, Finally...Who are these eyes awake and aware? Overflowing with love, vision, and care....Where does one go? Who will one be? Who one truly is of pure Light, pure Love and true glee, living in the present moment of NOW or choosing the mind to stay stuck in the past and future still not free... Do those awake silently hide in the corner? Or become the courageous ones who are venturing into the unknown to show the way pointing the flashlight and BOLDLY stating the truth, sharing the heart, either way appears crazy for the Unawakened parts, who are choosing to close the doors on their hearts...we bleed internally, as each takes its course and suffer in silence with our unheard voice, understanding the answers, solutions and cure for the destruction, pain, and death that seems never ending to the mind, that can never understand true love of self and of Humanity, awake and aware we choose to step forward understanding the plan, the part, and the vision taking our place in the Grand Decision, into the Kingdom of Heaven...Who are these eyes of HEART awake and aware watching and observing with Love and with Care..waiting on the sidelines to share and to give the final piece of Heaven a gift of Love in action...The mind/ego may not see or even understand who one has become the "New Human" is at hand.. Gentle and passionate, allowing the seeds of Real Truth to grow and blossom as a ROSE...Being brave, Being true, Being the Courageous ones standing strong as Pillars of LIGHT, observing the Magnificent Beauty unfold onto The New Earth of only BRILLIANCE and HEART, The Divine plan...Who are these Eyes awake and aware participating in a True Love story of ALL TIME, a Fairy Tale, that NOW has become Real inside this Realm......Awake and aware of the changes destined. Through the contract that was signed, dated, and mastered.... ..we are the awakened eyes of Compassion and of grace, entrusted with Grand Responsibility and Grand Redemption.. . We have always understood we were different, apart from the mind and have stood firm within our hearts from the status quo and have chosen a path from only the Heart that has led us down the Yellow Brick Road of Light and of Love, The real truth of reality ...So now we say to each listening... .Be who you are.... are you ready? We are here as examples to set you free....Shine and Pour the Light and the Love from your true being, connecting all Hearts into ONE...NOW THEN WE ARE FREE, is your Heart ready to "SEE"? For as the Real Truth steps forward, paradise for all! Awaken and share the truth, Love and Light with all
Mother Gaia
