I call upon Mother Father God, and all the Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge, as I align with my Mighty I Am Presence, ...the Highest Light of Who I Am and Who I have Forever Been, I now call for a complete activation of the 13are Strand DNA and a clearing of all limited beliefs and patterns I may hold at a cellular level, so I may truly experience myself as this Master Being of Love and Light. I now call upon the Company of Heaven and my I Am Presence to assist in downloading all the key codes of Light that I am needing in this Now, to take me into unconditional Love and One Unity Consciousness. I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light, this crystalline grid of Light, within and around this earth plane, connected to Mother Earth, and a minimum of one million Light workers along this grid of Light, and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this ascension of the earth. I am now surrounded in the golden flame of Unity Consciousness, as I merge completely with my I Am Presence. In this energy of Love and Unity Consciousness, I now envisage a spiralling vortex of Light about my aura, combining with all those along the Unity Grid, holding the focus of World Peace, Love and Unity Consciousness for this new Golden Age. I now experience this collective Christed Consciousness, opening my heart to all Life, recognizing myself as One with all Life, One with Mother/Father God. As I project my Christed Consciousness into the future, I envisage an earth where all Life co-creates in Love and lives fearlessly. I envisage a world of harmony and abundance for all Life on this earth plane. I envisage a world of Love and joy for all Life on this earth plane. I envisage a world of One Unity Consciousness for all Life on this earth plane. I envisage a world enlightened by the new Reality Paradigm, the Golden Age of Aquarius. As this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint, I envisage this Blueprint of Light for all Life on this earth plane. And so it is.
Mother Gaia
