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~The Real Truth about Spiritual egos~

“ Spiritual egos have dressed up so many fantasies as real, they “believed” them, and any “belief” is the old paradigm. The new paradigm has no beliefs, only Love and Truth.” “A Spiritual ego is just the old paradigm of power over, dressed up to look new.” “Spiritual egos would rather be right, than be Happy, to be Truly Happy and in Joy, the ego has to be dissolved.” “We are unconcerned about the spiritual egos fantasies, True Reality “eliminates” all fantasies.” In Today's Update we are going to discuss “spiritual egos”, which are another form of the mind, and as we have shared, the mind is just an illusion.

Along the path of enlightenment many developed spiritual egos as the path became to uncomfortable for them, and they began forming fantasies to make it less uncomfortable.

Instead of releasing all attachments, they developed new attachments, just as we have stated, taking an old car and repainting it, then calling it new. Same as dressing up the outdated old paradigm , and saying that it was a new paradigm.

ALL egos require food for survival, its food is sucking the life force energy out of the being, it does this through its illusions, fantasies, and anything except True Reality. Spiritual egos gather together so they each can feed off of each other, to keep their fantasies alive.

One may have a similar fantasy with another, thus they began validating within themselves, and then they came up with more fantasies to feed the lies [refer to dog chasing its tail syndrome]. This greatly has stalled their progress, and to all those who are currently Awakening, they are dangerous.

We use the word dangerous, because they “believe” their own lies, and can easily convince those coming up into their own power, that the lie they are sharing is the Truth. It can speak of half truths, but it can never speak of the “Whole Truth” because to Speak the Whole Truth, You have To BE The Truth, which is Love in Action.

Another requirement is Feelings. An ego does not have any feelings, and only through feelings does one gain understanding. Through understanding one has Experience, through experience one gains Wisdom, Wisdom to Be and Share the Truth. Since Spiritual egos cannot have feelings, they really have no clue about Truth and it will always find something incorrect with the Whole Truth, because it/ego has limits, edges and

boundaries. This is something Real Love does not have. Love is Limitless, Edgeless, and has no boundaries. “ Spiritual egos approach life with their intellect, which is the left side of the brain, instead of the Heart, which is the Wholistic Brain, [Right and left side together], which is the Divine connection.” “ True Reality does not align with any fantasy, True Reality has no fantasy, it takes letting go of all illusions to embrace True Reality.” We can say the spiritual ego is all talk, with incorrect and misaligned actions that go along with it that have absolutely nothing to do with Real Reality. It can write down some truths, even speak some truths, and pretend that it has some clue about Truth, but all it really does, is attempt to interweave truth into its fantasies and then present it as truth. When it is questioned it will react in a fight or flight way, while Love when Questioned will Respond with Truth. Since the ego/mind does not really exist [it is just a construct of belief systems] it cannot really understand Real Love and Real Truth.

Being Real, and Living the Real and Whole Truth is when Your True Being is Fully Manifested into this Realm, and only occurs when the ego, spiritual ego, has dissolved. For so many of you the spiritual ego is holding the true being inside captive, this must be released for you to move forward, or you will continue being stuck, going in circles, which takes you nowhere. “Spiritual egos look at Love and Truth as a threat, because the Real Truth challenges their fantasies, and without their fantasies, they have to Face the Truth about the lies they told themselves,” “Spiritual egos cannot see the forest for the trees. The reason is because they have a whole lot of fantasies about the trees. They want to be in control of Creation, all the while Creation cannot be controlled.” We share with you that the spiritual ego is very subtle, it can easily create the illusion of helping, just to support its own fantasies and illusions. It supports the old paradigm of power over, it plays a victim/villain role, and becomes like a bully to The ones Sharing Truth.

You cannot respect spiritual egos because they do not even respect The Real Truth and Real Love. It does not even respect itself because those within it would rather live a lie, than the Truth. Respect comes from Love and Truth only, you cannot respect a lie.

Many of the spiritual egos would rather have us walk around on egg shells, and tip toe around them. Our responsibility however, as Beings of Light, Love and Truth, is that we must Address, confront, and point out these fantasies. By doing this, We are serving Love , serving the Truth of Who We Really are, and assisting the Planet . We do not serve illusions, fantasies, or ignorance. These do not really exist.

End Transmission in All Love is

Mother Gaia

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